The place-based investing of HAN members BJC HealthCare, Boston Medical Center, Kaiser Permanente, Rush University System for Health, and UCSF were spotlighted by Financial Investment News.
From the Financial Investment News article:
“When [HAN] first started, it was really a small group. We would have these convenings and didn’t call them conferences even, but they were not pretentiousness, everybody was warm, wanting to help. And then it grew like wildfire,” [Dr. Thea James, v.p. of mission and associate chief medical officer at Boston Medical Center] said.
“I’m hopeful that healthcare organizations across the county, and other sectors, would have specific portfolios for this type of work. There’s a portfolio, and somewhere in the budget there is impact investing, as part of everybody’s financial plan or part of their balance sheet, an expectation. And that will be transformative. There will be return on investment and this kind of work positively impacts the GDP,” she said, noting that “all boats will rise in this situation, but it requires intentionality to changing mindset and showing people first.”