In a new article published in The Wharton Healthcare Quarterly, David Zuckerman and Bich Ha Pham of The Democracy Collaborative discuss the smart, bold leadership that Healthcare Anchor Network members are engaged in with their anchor mission work. The Democracy Collaborative urges other health systems from across the country to join the effort to do forward-thinking work in order to address the systemic nature of economic inequities and their impact on health and well-being.
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Healthcare Anchor Network members addressing the social determinants of health
The Wall Street Journal’s “Health Care Looks Beyond Medicine to Social Factors” article covered the good work of four Healthcare Anchor Network members in addressing the social determinants of health: Geisinger Health System, Rush University Medical Center, Kaiser Permanente and Boston Medical Center.
Continue ReadingA healthcare anchor supporting permanently affordable housing
An article in Next City covers The Democracy Collaborative’s new report Community Control of Land & Housing: Exploring strategies for combating displacement, expanding ownership, and building community wealth. The report discusses strategies related to land and housing that can help create inclusive, participatory, and sustainable economies built on locally-rooted, broad-based ownership of place-based assets. HAN member Bon Secours’ work with the Maggie Walker Community Land Trust in Richmond, Virginia was highlighted.
Continue ReadingBreaking Through the Social Determinants of Health for the Sake of Children
Madeline Bell, CEO of Healthcare Anchor Network member Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), writes for US News & World Report about their work to overcome the negative health impacts of SDOH, particularly for the sake of children. CHOP has teamed with Penn, Drexel and other anchor institutions in West Philadelphia to invest in University City District’s West Philadelphia Skills Initiative. This workforce development program connects the un- and under-employed to jobs with local employers.
Continue ReadingAdvancing the Anchor Mission of Healthcare at AHA’s Leadership Summit
Healthcare Anchor Network members presented the first of its kind session on the movement to adopt an anchor mission of healthcare at the American Hospital Association’s Leadership Summit in July. Powerful presentations by health system CEOs from RWJBarnabas Health, ProMedica, and Gundersen Health discussed how they have engaged with the culture of their institutions to reflect and prioritize anchor mission work.
Continue ReadingHospitals lead on tackling social determinants
An in-depth article in Modern Healthcare provides a helpful overview and history of health systems’ focus on the role of social determinants. The article details the important work of Healthcare Anchor Network member Kaiser Permanente to engage government agencies, and to leverage its investment funds to address homelessness and promote affordable housing, healthy eating, active living, and early childhood education. HAN member ProMedica’s role in co-founding the Root Cause Coalition and addressing food insecurity was also highlighted.
Continue ReadingKP and Bon Secours Receive National Award for Future Baltimore Partnership
“Future Baltimore,” an innovative partnership between Healthcare Anchor Network members Kaiser Permanente and Bon Secours, was one of ten national winners of the Secretary’s Award for Public-Philanthropic Partnership, awarded by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. Future Baltimore has grown to include more than a dozen partners working on nine programs to address the health needs and the socio-economic security of three Baltimore neighborhoods.
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Trustee Magazine, a publication of the American Hospital Association designed to educate board members of hospitals and health systems,featured the Healthcare Anchor Network, including its history and evolution.
Continue ReadingWellspring Cooperative Greenhouse celebrates its first harvest, thanks to health systems embracing the anchor mission
Wellspring Cooperative Greenhouse in Springfield, Massachussetts planted its first crop in 2018, in a 15,000-square foot facility designed to create employee-owned jobs for nearby low-income community residents—the third cooperative in a growing network. The project’s launch was made possible by purchasing commitments from Healthcare Anchor Network members Baystate Health and Trinity Health.
Continue ReadingUtah Alliance for the Determinants of Health launches with health system support
Thanks to an initial $12 million in support from Healthcare Anchor Network member Intermountain Healthcare, a new statewide alliance will be aligning community groups and state, county, and local agencies in a three-year, two-city demonstration project aimed at tackling the underlying social and economic determinants of community health outcomes.
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