The Anchor Mission Communications Toolkit Resources is a list of resources and information referred to in the Anchor Mission Communications Toolkit, produced by the Healthcare Anchor Network (HAN) in collaboration with Rush University Medical Center (Rush) with links to directly access these resources.
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Henry Ford Health System Cardinal Health Distribution Center Case Study
Cardinal committed to moving its warehouse operations from a location outside of Detroit into the neighborhood adjacent to Henry Ford Hospital. Distribution Warehouse represents a $30 million investment. Four local entities joined to build the warehouse resulting in the fruition of this place-based anchor mission project: Henry Ford Health System, Detroit Medical Center, Cardinal Health […]
Continue ReadingHealthy Communities Policy Framework
This document, created by the Aligning to Advance Policy Initiative Group of the Healthcare Anchor Network, outlines the foundational elements of a policy agenda to create equitable, engaged, connected and economically strong communities.
Continue ReadingCommunity Benefit & Community Health Needs Assessment Checklist
Authored by CHAN Healthcare for the Healthcare Anchor Network, with input from the Healthcare Anchor Network’s Collaborating with Community Stakeholders initiative group, this document presents best practices for aligning Community Benefit and Community Health Needs Assessment processes.
Continue ReadingSocial and Economic Determinants of Health: The Evidence is Clear
Summary of research that connects economic inclusion with improving health outcomes.
Continue ReadingAnchor Mission Implementation Roadmap
This roadmap collects common milestones in the Anchor Mission implementation journey and shares examples of how health systems have educated staff on community needs and the Anchor Mission vision, created new staff positions to advance anchor strategies, developed dashboards to track progress, and more.
Continue ReadingHospitals Building Healthier Communities
This 2013 report from The Democracy Collaborative explores how health systems are addressing the upstream social and economic determinants of health.
Continue ReadingPlace-Based Investing: Creating Sustainable Returns and Strong Communities
The infographic below provides a quick overview of how place-based investing can create sustainable returns and strong communities.
Continue ReadingImpact Purchasing: Creating Connections, Building Capacity
The infographic below provides a quick overview of how connection-creating and capacity-building strategies can work together to advance local, inclusive sourcing.
Continue ReadingImpact Workforce: “Outside-In” and “Inside-Up” Strategies
This infographic provides a quick overview of how “outside-in” and “inside-up” strategies work together to create a more inclusive workforce.
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