Overview on Impact Workforce with case studies, key strategies, and tips for getting started.
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Activating place-based partnerships for equitable economic development: A playbook for anchor collaboratives
This playbook details how groups of anchor institutions are building effective place-based partnerships together with community partners to improve individual and family well-being and build equitable local economies.
Continue ReadingImpact Workforce Commitment
Infographic: A Framework for Impact Hiring and Workforce Development Seventeen Healthcare Anchor Network (HAN) health system members signed the “Impact Workforce Commitment” (IWC) to build healthy and equitable local economies through their hiring and workforce development programs and policies. The commitment includes aligning hiring and workforce power with clinical and community efforts to provide opportunities for individuals from underresourced […]
Continue ReadingBaystate Health: Outside-in and Inside-Up Workforce Strategies
In our latest case study we feature Healthcare Anchor Network (HAN) member Baystate Health, a nonprofit, integrated health system serving over 800,000 people across western New England. Based in Springfield, Massachusetts, it is the largest healthcare organization in western Massachusetts, with a workforce of over 13,000 employees across its four hospitals.
Continue ReadingDartmouth Health: Building sustainable talent pipelines in rural communities
In our latest case study we feature Healthcare Anchor Network (HAN) member Dartmouth Health (DH), a nonprofit academic health system that serves rural communities in New Hampshire and Vermont through six hospitals, a visiting nurse and hospice program, and numerous clinics. Dartmouth Health is the largest private employer in the state of NH with just […]
Continue ReadingUniversity Hospitals (UH): The Evolution of Step to UH and Earn-and-Learn Programs
University Hospitals’ (UH)’s intentional hiring pipelines and paid training programs are explored in a new case study. The case study covers the program’s inception and design, strategies employed, and key stakeholders involved. Outside-in programs are external facing, intentional programs that source candidates from specific, high-poverty neighborhoods. Inside-up programs are for current UH employees, connecting them to career […]
Continue ReadingFranciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System’s Faith Fund (FMOLHS): Developing a strategy to improve employees’ financial security
Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System’s (FMOLHS) partnered with Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Baton Rouge in October 2018 to launch The Faith Fund, a micro-loan investment fund to address a key driver of health: financial stability. In 2020, FMOLHS established the COVID-19 Faith Fund Emergency Income Stabilization Loan Program that enabled employees to […]
Continue ReadingKaiser Permanente & Futuro Health: Creating education journeys into allied health careers
Kaiser Permanente’s Futuro Health initiative is explored in a new case study. The case study covers the program’s history, design and implementation. Futuro Health creates education journeys into allied health careers. Futuro Health’s model currently focuses on meeting the healthcare workforce needs of California but has the potential to be scaled across the country.
Continue ReadingImpact Workforce: “Outside-In” and “Inside-Up” Strategies
This infographic provides a quick overview of how “outside-in” and “inside-up” strategies work together to create a more inclusive workforce.
Continue ReadingCan Hospitals Heal America’s Communities?
Healthcare’s role in creating healthy communities through increasing access to quality care, research, and grantmaking is being complemented by a higher impact approach; hospitals and integrated health systems are increasingly stepping outside of their walls to address the social, economic, and environmental conditions that contribute to poor health outcomes, shortened lives, and higher costs in the first place. Can hospitals and health systems heal America’s communities?
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